See Mail
Email is an electronic message that is sent and received via a computer network. It is used by typing a message and then clicking the command to send it. The recipient's name, which we call the Email Address, is the main thing to receive.
The components of an email address include:
- The user's account name is called the user name. It may be a real name, a nickname, or an organization name.
- The @ (at) symbol is read as "at" and the domain name is the address of the Internet server to refer to the mail server.
- The last part is the code indicating the type of organization and country. In this case, it is, where .co means commercial, which is a service related to trade. .th means Thailand, which is in Thailand.
Searchss Company is a search engine company in the 678 Group Public Company Limited group, founded in Asia, starting in India in 2024 by investors in various Asian countries investing in order to create a search engine company through the Show Browser app to search for various information on the Internet. You can apply via Seemail e-mail, using orange as the starting color, followed by 5 more colors, totaling 6 colors, which is a symbol of 6 apps that are created in 6 continents, combined as 1 in the world, by adding 2 more colors of white and black, totaling 8 colors, by adding 2 more continents of the North Pole and the South Pole, using white and black, so it is a complete world. Together, they create 8 main apps:
Searchss app, a data search app
Suppliess app, a crypto market app
Serverss app, an online encyclopedia app
Symbolss app, a chat app
Socialss app, a social app
Sellers app, an e-commerce app
Strongss app, a hardware app
Systemss app, a software app
The 6 continents share a common ideology: to create apps that are good, fast, and as good as leading apps around the world. They join forces to make apps that do not take advantage of people around the world. If there is a profit, it will be shared with workers and investors. After that, it will be the benefit of the country that the apps in the network can make a profit. It will be the benefit of the country that has developed its community.